Max's Brigade
The Creative Living community is comprised of, first and foremost, 34 residents united by their desire to live independently and productively, despite their disabilities. But it also includes so many more who support our residents and the mission of our organization in various ways: family members, friends, donors, staff, trustees, volunteers, corporations and foundations all united for a common purpose.
Our community is a brigade. Max’s Brigade.
Max’s Brigade is the reimagined and expanded program previously called the Creative Living Service Board and is built upon the collective contributions of all its members. The Brigade amplifies the collective contributions of our supporters, uniting under a single umbrella the financial contributors whose donations support resident programming and the Resident Relief Fund; in-kind donors who provide services and surprise treats for our residents and/or answer pleas for emergency supplies or assistance; and the corps of amazing volunteers who give so willingly of their time to support our fundraising efforts and make Creative Living a warm and welcoming place to live.
Visit the support page to let us know how you’d like to contribute!
Become a Member of the Brigade!
Your level of membership in Max’s Brigade can consist of one, two or all three facets of the program: Sustaining, In-Kind and/or Volunteer.
As a Sustaining member, your minimum, annual, tax deductible donation of $50 helps to underwrite the cost of annual holiday parties, cookouts, resident birthday gifts and the Resident Relief Fund*, which provides financial relief to residents for unexpected expenses.
In-Kind members inject rays of sunshine at the most unexpected times! Annual cookie trays from a local women’s club, emergency cleaning supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic, sports tickets and flower donations are just some of the surprises recently donated for the benefit and enjoyment of our residents.
Volunteer members young and old support the efforts of the Creative Living administrative staff throughout the year – things like decorating common areas for the holidays, freshening up the exteriors at our two communities, stuffing mailings, assisting with event logistics and more.
Fifty percent (50%) of each sustaining member donation to Max’s Brigade is directed to the Resident Relief Fund.
In recent years, membership supported:

Controlling the Temp!
We added a thermostat that interfaces with a smart app allowing a resident to
control the temperature of their unit from the ease of their mobile device.

Community Clean-Up
Volunteers from companies and other groups around Ohio complete spring and fall clean-up projects at our two communities.

Cooking out!
New grills for our residents to use for their cookouts!

Community Events
Complimentary tickets for each Resident for the Ohio State Fair.