Bouquet of Flavours
A Bouquet of Flavours will return to the Grange Audubon Center on Friday, May 17, 2024. As always, this event promises to be an unforgettable evening filled with wine sampling, delicious appetizers, music, and a silent auction. But more than just a night of fun, Bouquet of Flavours is an opportunity to support our mission – providing wheelchair accessible apartments for adults with severe physical disabilities. Our incredible staff is on site 24/7, supporting our residents with the small things that often go unnoticed – like fetching a jacket or taking out the trash. These seemingly insignificant gestures mean the world to our residents, giving them the confidence, security, and peace of mind to live independently and focus on what truly matters – their loved ones, passions, and dreams. So please save the date for this evening of inspiration, laughter, and heartfelt support. Let’s come together to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.